• Woodchuck Christmas animatronic for seasonal holidays window displays
  • Woodchuck Christmas animatronic for seasonal holidays window displays
  • Christmas Animatronics : marmot in Santa Claus gifts workshop
Woodchuck Christmas animatronic for seasonal holidays window displays
Height 46cm
Width 30cm
Depth 31cm
Movements 1
Reference 23753CA
Lien QR Code Marmot gift workshop
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Marmot gift workshop

Imagine for a moment the wonder in the eyes of passersby at the sight of your little realistic Christmas woodchuck animatronic, meticulously decorated, which with its adept animated gestures, masterfully wraps its Christmas presents!

It's almost time to place the treasures under the tree to amaze the family's little marmots on Christmas morning. Once his little toddlers are tucked in and asleep, our dear & tender marmot, full of joy, begins a clever workshop of wrapping gifts wrapped in natural kraft paper tied with graceful scrolls.

She did not skimp on decorating her beautiful packages and carried out extensive research to obtain the most beautiful satin red ribbons in the entire enchanted valley.

For the smallest gifts that she selected to fill her family, our marmot found beautiful embossed ribbon with golden stars pattern. A small branch of holly to complete everything and here she is, not a little proud, ready to party !

Tax included

Quality materials

Made from high-quality materials, this decorative animated figure is reliable and resistant. It's designed to stand a prolonged use, so you can enjoy it for many seasons to come.

Easy to use

The animated figures is easy to set up and use.

You just have to install it into your display window and plug it in. It's now ready to impress passers-by with the emotional impact it creates and the fluidity of its movements.


North America and South America, Asia, Australia, all Europe

Made in France